Domain registration

Check here if the domain is available:

Domain transfer? | FREE DNS hosting | WHOIS protect.

RS Domain Registration

Price in EUR
.rs - with promo RS26
1,907 rsd 2,577 rsd
2,383 rsd 3,220 rsd
18.2 eur
1,912 rsd
2,390 rsd
13.5 eur
2,150 rsd
2,687 rsd
15.2 eur
1,838 rsd
2,298 rsd
13 eur
2,715 rsd
3,394 rsd
19.2 eur
1,471 rsd
1,838 rsd
10.4 eur
1,471 rsd
1,838 rsd
10.4 eur
1,471 rsd
1,838 rsd
10.4 eur
735 rsd
919 rsd
5.2 eur

WHOIS data protect costs 8 eur for all domains.

DNS, Email address and static website with domain registration.

Fast national registration (.com,,, .srb …) and international domains (.com, .net, .org …), without a ton of paperwork, payment card online or through an account in just a few clicks .

WHOIS protect is 8 euros for all domains.

Terms of RS Domain Registration

You could register .RS domain by entering wanted domain first in the above search field in order to check if the domain is available. Also, check out Terms of RS Domain Registration.

Additional Domain Services: Domain Transfer | Whois Protect | SSL certificates
AdriaHost is authorized reseller of RS domains

Protected Domain

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