WHOIS-GUARD Privacy Protection
How do I activate the WHOIS Domain Protection?
Send us a ticket and indicate the domain to which you would like us to activate Whois-Guard privacy protection.
Do you know that you can hide the domain owner information? This service costs 8 EUR for 1 year for all kinds of domains. You can check your website’s domain on whois.sc to see which data are publicly visible.
- In order to activate WHOIS data protection for you, you must have domain with AdriaHost.
- If you are ordering new hosting and domain, it is necessary to inform us that you would like us to hide domain owner information. If you already have domain with AdriaHost and you would like us to activate WHOIS data protection for you, please open support ticket.
- WHOIS data protection remains active during the entire duration of your domain subscription; therefore WHOIS Data Protection will expire on the same day as your domain. By activating WHOIS data protection on a registered domain, expiry date of this service will always depend on actual expiry date of domain registration. Nevertheless, you are required to pay the full price of the annual WHOIS Data Protection subscription as you choose to activate it.
Additional Services: Domain registrations | Domain transfer | SSL certificates
Additional domain services
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