A list of coworking spaces in Serbia

by | Freelance

Coworking is a modern style of work in an environment where several individual companies can also be found that share a working space. This type of work is characteristic for smaller companies, for independent workers who work from home and freelancers. The basic idea is that everyone can lease coworking space today or as much as it needs.

It’s not just about renting space but getting everything you need, including tables and chairs, keyboards, Wi-Fi, printer, meeting room, library, free coffee, photocopiers, and cameras. There are many coworking spaces in Serbia and we have listed them here.

Smart Office Coworking space

Smart Office space is located in the center of Belgrade in Knez Mihajlova Street number 33, on the second floor. They are open on weekdays from 9 am to 9 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm and invite everyone to come for coffee without any obligation before deciding to carry out their work from home to here. You can see the gallery of pictures of their space here Smart Office space.

Startit center 

Startit Center is located in Belgrade in Savska 5, in Novi Sad in Miroslav Antic 2, in Indjija in Vojvode Stepe 2 and in Zrenjanin on Trg Slobode 7. In addition to the coworking space, you can find frequent gatherings and courses on the topic of creative and IT industry. Web-site is here: Startit center.

InCentar in the Old Town, Belgrade

InCentar is located in the Old Town in Belgrade, at Cara Lazara Street 5-7. In addition to standard coworking necessities, you can also rent a laptop or bookkeeping services here. There is even the possibility of a “virtual office” where you can register your company or representative office. Here you can see what these offices look like: InCentar gallery.

Mokrin House Coworking

Mokrin House is located in Mokrin near Kikinda, in the street St. Sava 25. Apart from everything else, here you can rent sleeping rooms if you stay with your work for a long time and it’s too late to go home. If you prefer to work at night, it’s good to know that rent is available 24 hours a day. Outside city crowds, this makes this space more pleasant. Here you can see how it looks like: Mokrin House Coworking.

Nova Iskra coworking space

The Nova Iskra is located in Belgrade, on the street of Gavrila Principa 43. It has been working since 2012. and has 350 square meters for coworking. There are also sections here divided as Designers lab, Creative hub, and Industry hub. Renting can be done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. They’re here on the internet: Nova Iskra.

ICT Hub Playground for coworking

ICT Hub Playground is also located in Belgrade, Kralja Milana 10 Street in the area called Playground. There are 50 places available for work that can be used every day from 08AM to 09PM. Space is conceived with innovation in mind. Their site is here: ICT Hub coworking.

Marsh. Open Space

Marsh is located in Cetinje 15 Street in Belgrade. It’s 150 square meters for work. Here you can rent a chair, table, “table for my team” or offices, and Coworking, Multimedia, Marsh.Office, Restrooms, Community corner, and Lounge sections are available. They also have a terrace. You can find them here on internet: Marsh. Open Space.

Share Square

Coworking & Anticafe Share Square space is located in Belgrade at Koca Popovic Street 4, next to Jump Inn Hotel. It is a space of over 600 square meters. Here, there is also SoundLab acoustic space for sound-sensitive projects, StyleLab with mirrors and white light for role recording, and CookLab for recording video and photos in a kitchen atmosphere. Their site is here: Share Square.

Tilda coworking

Tilda is located in Nis in Svetozar Markovic 8 street. The nice convenience is that you can use one free week here, that is, the first week is a trial before you decide to rent space. Tilda offers 4 packages for renting coworking space on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. You can see the gallery of space here: Tilda space for coworking.

Business Incubator Novi Sad

This coworking space is located in Novi Sad, on the street of Vojvodina Brigades 28. Here you can find 28 offices in an area of 800 square meters. Business Incubator Novi Sad offers only one package for work and unlimited consumption of hot drinks. If you like complimentary coffee or tea, this is the right place for you. There are also conference rooms as well as meeting rooms and offices. Here is the site for Business Incubator.

Coffice coworking in Uzice

Coffice is located in Uzice in Strahinjića Bana 17. Renting can be done per hour and you get a table, chair, free internet, and coffee. Well-equipped and beautifully lit space is intended for all creators from the world of IT, acting and creativity. Look for them here: Coffice.

Pomak coworking

Pomak is located in Zaječar in Zorana Radmilovića Street 5a. Here you can find space for everything you need to develop your idea or present it to others. Here you can come across people who also work to improve their environment and the ideas they work for. More about this coworking space from Zaječar can be found here: Pomak.

Fabrika in Sombor

The Coworking Factory (sr. fabrika) is located in Sombor on Venac Radomir Putnika 1. This is the center of Sombor itself, and there are three rental space packages: DROP IN on a daily basis, COLLAB rental for 40 hours per month, RESIDENT use of space on a monthly basis.

Impact Hub

They are located in the Zadruzna Palace, in Makedonska 21 in Belgrade. The large palace hall is used for coworking activities, while all of this space and ideas have a great impact on the overall impression. You can easily use this space as a freelancer or for team play, and special packages make it possible to find the right platform for each idea. Their site is here: Impact Hub.

Infostud HUB

This Infostud Hab is located in Subotica at Korzo No. 1. A working day can be used for a coworking space between 8am and 8pm, and there are coworking jobs, events, meeting rooms, kitchens, and living rooms. Packages are made on a daily basis, for two weeks and monthly rentals. You can find more about this space and organization on the site here Infostud HUB.

Coworking in Serbia

This concept originated earlier, but the first space was opened in San Francisco in 2005, while the first coworking space in Serbia opened in 2012 in Belgrade. This is an excellent concept that allows many to develop their ideas and share them with others using rented infrastructure and equipment. In this article we have listed the coworking space in Serbia, but if we omit someone, let us know.


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1 Comment

  1. Danilo Nikolic


    Koja je procedura da naš co-working prostor takođe nađe mesta na Vašoj stranici?

    “A list of coworking spaces in Serbia
    Autor: Ivan Blagojević · Freelance”

    Srdačan pozdrav,
    Danilo Nikolić


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